Safety at Its Core
Safety is the fundamental cornerstone to our company and its success. Safety is our 1st core value. This behavior is so vital to our ongoing success that it goes into every conversation from the top down here at Lake Erie Construction. We are Ohio's LARGEST installer of highway safety equipment. As the leader in the industry, we fill the responsibility to not only provide the safest work environment for our employees, but also ensure every traveling motorist feels the same way.
We do not aim to just meet a standard but strive to always go above and beyond. We constantly challenge ourselves, and in turn the industry, to raise the bar in performing safety services. All of us here at LEC take great pride in our Quality Craftsmanship and the Integrity valued by our contractors through working relationships. Their safety commitment, along with our own high standards, is what makes Ohio’s transportation program a leader in the nation.
LEC's Commitment to Safety is not just a statement, but an EVERYDAY practice!
One Accident is Too Many
While we understand that even one accident is too many, we recognize that the Construction Industry itself is inherently dangerous. We constantly evolve with everchanging safety requirements from year to year, and utilize all the tools at our disposal to help solidify a foundation that has been built over decades of commitment. We are always trending in the right direction and know we are better today than we were yesterday!